Monday, June 23, 2008

i was trying to catch a picture of a spider that happened to take shelter under a pole during the rain but instead i took a very nice picture of a tree. it almost doesn't look real, it looks like it was just copied a pasted there as if there are no roots to this tree but i assure you that this is a real tree
MY FIRST RAINBOW!!!...well my first artificial rainbow, whereas i had a gift bag with a matalic like coating and in the right position i made a rainbow shine on the doors of a train.

i tried taking a picture of a sprite in a movie but the screen was making some kind of frequency wave and made the picture come out like infer red lighting or something.
this looks like a drawing of some sort, but i was in the botanical part of central park and the bushes were shaped like mazes it was amazing!
this picture is about a boy who is trying to climb a 2 dimensional tree. bet you that you didnt know that tree was 2-d well this was in a museum and i had to take a picture of it
i LOVED the way this picture came out. it looks as if it would be in a magazine about school or something relating to school i really feel like my photography skills are going up
a view of a caved roof on the 2 train coming from the bronx. i like this picture not only because it is a good shot but also because you can see the train tracks and see the reality in the picture like the smudges on the window