Thursday, March 27, 2008

in the morning at before 96 street the train is so crowded that nobody has a place to stand or even get in the train. but after 96 street the train just feels like it gets poured out into the train stop but all of the seats still manage to be taken. i hate going to school in the mornings...and this jus starts my day off bad, just a lil bit.
this here is the evil dog on my friend's block, better known as the 'evil dog' and it live up to its name. when you try to reach for it to pet it, it just starts barking at you. but the worst thig this dog does, is that the dog jumps in front of you when you are riding a bike or skating and tries to make you swerve into the garbigde.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

new puppy

papi got me a new puppy!!! it is soooo cute, as you can see it is white with cinamin brown spots. AND ITS A PITTBULL!!! i just love pittbulls, they are the best breed of dog there ever is. but that same day i herd on the news that pittbulls are the most number of unwanted dogs that end up in the shelter each year. that is heartbreaking that the cuttest dogs of all time are the one that are unwanted.


this is a picture of a bunny from my favorite video game, super mario galaxy!, i just love that video game. i can play it for hours, until my father tells me to get off because im pushing up the electric bill.


i was in front of my old school when i saw this couple kissing. that was so cute, that day i was so angry at my little sister that i went for a strole and i found myself in front of my old school. the couple kissing made me feel so happy and that made my day feel like a whole lot better than before.


even though this baby looks like my other baby cousin, its not. this right here is my odoptive cousin jason, the crazy part is that my aunt thought that she couldnt have any children because the doctor told her she was "infertile." but the thing is that 5 months after she adopted a child she found out that she was 2 months pregnaunt. i guess there can be wonders in this morld we call home.

baby sitting

i had to babys-it for my eldest cousin julio, his child is only a one year old and knows too much for his age. he poses for pictures, he hits, and worst of all he pulls hair. even though that experience was a living hell, i got good money for that. I get PAID.


I saw this hippy on the train the other day and he started talking to me. He said that he didnt finish college, that he dropped out and became a hobo because he said he thought he could live life that way. the advice he gave me was to stay in school and no matter how hard it gets to keep on striving for the best.

july 18

this picture was taken on my birthday, which is July 18, i was on the 4 train with my cousin and sister when the train stopped and we had to go outside to take a shuttle bus. when we went outside, we saw a lot of people standing in the middle of the street looking at something. and when i looked all you can see is smoke. that day i only thought that i was going to go with my cousins for a job application, but it turned out to be so much more.