Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This was the day of emo...the day where everyone must wear black and like it! just kidding but we did have to wear black on account of that it was senior spirit week and i am graduating this year. so i have to do ALL of the quote and unquote "fun activities" that my school has to offer if i want to be in my school year book. that was a very fun day!

black and white

I actually didn't really know what i was doing, i didn't know that the camera i had can make pictures black and white or this other color that is like a brownish-like color that makes everything look like it was taken in the olden days. still playing around with this camera and so far i found out that i can edit pictures, change colors and set a timer on it...thats the best part!


i had to take a picture of this the reason is because you will NEVER see this girl in the library unless its to take out something for a school project or go on the computer for her own sake or for her grades, but this once in a life time shot taken by me shows that this girl can actually read books in the library.


this is a very silly picture of my "twin" sister reading a magazine up-side-down (three in one word) well she thought she was funny by taking this picture when i think she could of done better. i don't know how but she could of done better.


My best friends and i just love to take pictures as u can see we have just came from the park and it was funny because we told this boy we call "stalker" to take pictures of us in the park. he earned his name by being everywhere we went...from the corner store in the middle of the block to a close relatives apartment building. he really isn't a stalker he just knows a lot of people i know.


my cousins are so "gangster" at least they think so. im just playing they dont act like that, they are really cool to hang out with the one on the left is Becky, she is athletic but has the asthma truly hilarious. the one in the middle is Kathy she can never stop talking but thats a good thing because no one likes a silent moment. and the one one the right is Bridget even though she looks mean as hell she is very funny and messes with people by telling them that she doesnt speak english and makes them speak Spanish to her they are all a trip.


woow this is the puppy that my friend got for her last birthday, this dog may suffer from depression and asthma. but for real i heard that dogs can actually develop asthma over a period of time. very sad dog. its crazy how life can be even for a dog

jimmy and mee

another emo day picture and i am with jimmy my best-est friend in the whole wide world. since the second grade we have been pulling pranks and seen life change before our very own eyes my only Ecuadorian friend and i am going to miss him when we grow apart

carlos and anthony

the most inter-racial couple you will ever see, even though they fight a lot they have the best moments ever in the history of relationships. they complete eachother

crossing hand

this is a picture of my hand in black and white...i drew crosses on it to see if it would come out on camera


whats up with people taking pictures of sunsets so i took a picture of a sunrise and i think they kind of look the same

central park

my big sister Carly has looked this way since the seventh grade and does not change one bit. i took this picture and i love the sculpture in the middle of the water because it is about three sisters playing in the water or the rain and it reminds me so much about Carly's life. symbolism!

jello monster!

my little jello monster is the joy of my life, my big brothers daughter is now 4 years of age and is a smart alic. addicted to jello, cartoons and coloring books she is the best to plat with I LOVE HER!!!


my teacher Mr.G told me to take pictures of this school trip to the museam but i never gave him the pictures. instead i took them and left them in my computer.


central park again but this time i took a picture of the lake and the forest thing above it and it made the best reflection for my blog

rock in a pond

my friend threw a rock in the pond and i took the picture. the edge effect is great and i caught it on film.


i cant seem to mess with the date so that it stays on the right one so i really dont care anymore. but this is a photo of me and my boyfriends shoes while sitting on the sand.

mossy pic

i took a picture of a tree trunk with moss because this is the only time when i was in a forest and the sun made everything not scary


the sun really did a number on this picture. it is like the heavens aligned itself so that i can capture this picture. and its so crazy that two very different trees are sharing the same ground!

cherry blossom

i took a picture of trees that randomly grow cherry blossoms on them. it is a beautiful sight to see

close up

this a close up on the cherry blossoms they are so beautiful in the dark and the light


still cant get the date right, but this is a picture that look as if it was a blizzard and it is because there was a wind that was so strong it blew a lot of things over.

skate boarder

this is a picture of a skateboarder riding on the cherry blossoms which is so cool because he didnt fall of break anything...he really has skills

c h close up

this is another cherry blossom close up but this one has the lighting just perfect so that the pink is really light and cute.


the leafs on this tree almost looks like it is fake like a plastic plant you would find in an old persons house. and that is my friends Antony's arm and he was with me that day taking pictures of sunsets and other cool stuff.


this is so cool because i don't even know how i did this to make it look like a faded picture, i hope i do this again in the future


this reminds me of a time when there was silence in life and no complications, well this is a picture of flower peddles on the floor and the wind is carrying them away...just breathtaking

lil sis

i was sitting in a tree and my sister ran down and did a "snow" angel. it wasn't that bad for a rooky


i was kind of messing with the settings on the camera when i did this one. the setting could actually focus on the light on the closer object instead of taking a picture of the whole scene kind of like blocking out what you don't want in a picture.
Me and my friend Fabio climbed a tree and i set the camera on the grass and put it for 10 seconds, this was the best shot anyone could ask for. Fabio and i had to hurry up and run up the tree before the camera took the picture.

peddle medow

this is the most tranquil of photos i have taken in a while . you can actually stare at it and feel the peace